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Special pipes from Extena
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egeFuse® – gravity pipeline SN16
egeFuse 2.0 made of PE100 is probably the safest gravity pipeline on the market. Its high strength ring stiffness (SN16) combined with welded joints provides a pipeline with unique properties.

egeStatic® -electrostatic resistance
Many industrial applications include the transportation of dry gases, powders and flammable media. When transporting these substances in potentially explosive environments, all electrostatic charging of pipes and structures must be prevented by taking appropriate protective measures. To protect both humans and the environment, we offer egeStatic®, a pipe system with a conductive integrated layer.

egeTherm® High-T -for high temperatures
The transportation of hot process water or disinfection of pipes at high temperatures requires pipe systems made of temperature resistant PE materials. For this type of application, Extena offers the innovative egeTherm® High-T system.

egeSlurry® -with protective interior
Some specific industries require the transportation of coarse and abrasive media, for example in the mining industry, and the transportation of slurry, which consists of tailings and mine water. Due to the abrasive characteristics of these media, special requirements are placed on the pipe systems that are used. This type of pipe system is used not only in the mining industry, but also in maritime land recovery (transportation of sand water mixture), the transportation of granules and pellets and animal feed. For these applications, Extena offers the durable egeSlurry® system.

High pressure pipes PE100 RC homogeneous homogent
Extena develops and manufactures PE pipes for applications that require higher pressure ratings. In environments where large level differences are a critical factor, Extena high pressure pipes can be the solution. These pipes have a greater thickness and a higher ring stiffness than traditional pipes, which means they can withstand high internal pressures as well as high external loads. We offer both homogeneous high pressure pipes and multiple layer high pressure pipes (HexelOne®) for extra resistance to high pressures.

Blast hole liner pipe
Extena blast hole liner pipe are used for blasting mountains. The pipes are prepared with the blast charge, inserted into the drilled charge holes and ensure that the charge is in the correct position. One end is fitted with a plug to prevent the explosive from leaking out. The blast pipes are made of polypropylene, an impact resistant and rigid material, which means that we can offer thin pipes with high ring stiffness.

Marking posts
Extena produces and supplies high quality marking posts for road marking, marking out shifts, site demarcation, etc. The posts are available in dimensions 26 mm and 37 mm and can be supplied with or without reflective labels as required.